Piexon JPX2 Speed-Load Magazine
2-Shot Speed Loader for JPX2 Jet Projector
- Accuracy 7m
-Active substance: Piexol 400kS
Oleoresin Capsicum.
400 000 Scoville Units
Active agent: Piexol 400kS
Jet velocity: (after 1.5 m) 80 m/s = 290 km/h
Range: 1.5 - 7 m
Temperature range: - 20 C° to + 60 C°
Safety distance: 1.5 m
Piexon JPX2 Speed-Load Magazine for JPX2 Jet Projector
This 2-shot disposable magazine is extremely easy to replace, which means it can be changed in a matter of seconds.
Pyrotechnic delivery system
The JPX uses a highly effective and patented pyrotechnic delivery system instead of a canister for permanent pressure storage.
Instant: the JPX does not have to be shaken before use, does not lose pressure, can shoot very far and is highly reliable in hitting its target.
Stopping power
The force with which the JPX delivers the irritant Piexol 400kS increases its stopping power even more.
- no loss of pressure
- outstanding stopping power
- extended range
- superior accuracy
- ready for immediate use
The Speed loader magazine, which can be quickly and easily mounted to the grip, contains two 14 x 109 mm cartridges each containing 10 ml of highly effective Piexol 400kS
The rounds clean themselves after firing thanks to a special mechanism, and the concentrated jet of the projectile produces only a minimum number of airborne particles. This also allows the device to be used in enclosed rooms.
1 x Replacement 2-Shot Speed Loader Magazine